Title Fight/Turnover April 9, 2012 @The Blue Nile

Photo By : Evan McGrew – www.evanmcgrew.com

Harrisonburg, to those who live in Virginia, is kind of in the middle of nowhere. Two hours from Richmond, three from D.C. and even longer from Norfolk and Virginia beach. So, a 100+ people crowd for the show at Harrisonburg’s “The Blue Nile” was a pretty solid turnout for the middle of nowhere, especially for a Monday night.

Turnover put on a great performance, playing a collection of new songs off an upcoming split with Citizen and songs off their self-titled EP. If you haven’t checked these guys out I highly recommend it. They’re a highly energetic, extremely catchy punk band out of Virginia Beach who are blowing up fast. And for a good reason. The band was recently signed to Run for Cover Records, but you can find their EP on Broken Rim Records, and their bandcamp: http://turnover.bandcamp.com/

Title Fight always puts on a great show. After going to four of their shows now I can say this was definitely the smallest venue I’ve seen them play at with a max capacity probably somewhere around 200. Tops. And in my opinion it’s by far more fun to see Title Fight in an intimate setting. These guys are synonymous with ridiculously devoted fans screaming along with every word, and of course, that’s exactly what happened Monday. At the end of the show nearly every person in the venue had crowded onto the stage, knocking over the mic stands and leaving the club’s manager thoroughly irritated. There was a point in the show where the manager, the sound guy and the bouncer were trying to push everyone off the stage. Ned, the bassist for Title Fight actually made an announcement halfway through the set, saying regardless what the club rules were, or what the manager said, the band didn’t really care about fans crowding the stage. In fact, they welcomed it. Of course the manager was soon unable to hold back the mass of fans and crowdsurfers, and the stage was completely taken over, as you can see by the featured picture.

For those who couldn’t make it to the show because Harrisonburg is in the middle of nothing, you missed a great performance, and an incredible experience. But fear not, Title Fight is playing this summer’s Warped Tour so you can see them then. If you don’t listen to Title Fight you are missing out, and you should pick up their latest LP “Shed” on Side one dummy records.


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